Friday, April 8, 2011

Source? What source?

I was going to update my blog about my trip to Mcd with 11A God CK and Y-ish which is totally extreme, But i got kind of Lazy. Then I was gonna update about the Leo Eco summit things, But then, I got lazy too. But then, After watching Source, Yes Source, What source?

Sauce Source Code

Yes,The one on cinema today! SOURCE CODE. So I guess i shall start off with a Review =D

It Started with a man called Captain Colter Steven (Cast by Jake Gyllenhaal) appeared as a guy named Sean Fentress. Sitting infront of a woman named Christina Warren (Cast by Michelle Monaghan). He knew he was not supposed to be there. And asked the woman where he is and said that this is a mistake. Then the train exploded and Colter appeared in a Capsule. And a woman , Colleen Goodwin (Cast by Vera Farmiga [Which is also the Main actor Kate Coleman in Orphan]) Appeared on a screen in that capsule. Asking Colter about what happened on the Train. Colter asked about who he is and Goodwin gave him a Memory regaining system. He remembered who he is, an army helicopter pilot who should be in Afghanistan. Goodwin did not tell him much , only to tell him his mission which is to find out where is the Bomb in the Train and Who is the Bomber. Colter was sent back again. 

Colter thought it was some kind of program to train him. The same incident happen to him. Sitting infront of Christina, then a few drips of coffee spilt on his shoes, some people arguing , Christina talking the same topic, Christina's Ex, Bryan Called, and the train ticket checker asked him for his ticket. The same incident occur. He thought he was on a program , so he went looking for the bomb. He found the bomb on the cellar of the washroom in the train. He checked and he walked back to his place. Then the bomb exploded and he appeared back in the capsule , Goodwin appeared on the screen again. Ask for what he sees and then sends him back again. This time she told him that this is not a program. The train exploding incident really happened that morning. And they believe that there will be a 2nd attack. This time, The whole City of Chicago will be blown up. Colter saw a glimpse of Goodwin's Uniform's badge. Colter appeared in the train again, in Sean Fentress body, sitting infront of Christina , he asked her to help identify Captain Colter Steven. He finds the bomb at the cellar of the toilet. But he did not care. He tried to identify the badge and found out about it by asking an old woman. He called the headquarters but later got news from Christina that Colter has been dead for 2 months . The train exploded again, and he appeared in the capsule again. He asked Goodwin about himself. Goodwin told him some details about himself. But Dr.Rutledge (Cast by Jeffrey Wright) interrupted and asked him to continue. He didnt want to. But he had no choice, or Dr Rutledge won't let him Rest in Peace.

He undergo the Source Code system a few times. (The source code system is done by connceting a part of his brain which is still functioning to a victim which is Sean Fentress brain to return to the past with quantum physics, and is give 8 minutes for the process) He feel stress, But after Goodwin let him hear a speech by his Dad, He decided to find the bomber once and for all. This time , with any possible means. He went back to the past. And after several tries and wrong attempt, he found the bomber. (The bomb is controlled by a phone.) The bomber, Derek Frost (Cast by Michael Arden) thinks that the world is bad, and wanted mankind to be good, but he thinks that mankind should engo destruction before they turned good. And he had a bomb inside a van, and he wanted to destroy Chicago. Although Colter disconnected the mobile phone connected to the bomb, but he saws the train still exploded. He appear back inside the capsule and Told Goodwin about the bomber's name, and the car plate. The bomber is successfully caught by the police. But Colter still have one wish, he still wanted to die, but he wanted to go back in time one more time. To save everyone in the train.

Goodwin hesitated, because Dr Rutledge did not give her the approval to do it. But then she still did it. She later found out that Dr Rutledge do not want to let Colter Rest In Peace. Instead, wipe his memory and continue the source code program in military events. Colter appear in the train again, sitting infront of Christina. He talked to her awhile and went to look for the bomb in the cellar of the washroom again. This time , he disconnected 2 of the mobile phones. And then he went around the train looking for Derek Frost, the bomber. and he Cuff him up with the cuffs he got from one of the security guard without the guard's notice. He exploit his scheme and he sent a message to Goodwin's phone. He called his father as Sean Fentress and apologizes. Then he gave the comedian 126 bucks to make everyone laugh. He pulled Christina to the back and Kissed her. And everything stops. Everyone in the train was laughing. Colter is kissing Christina.

In the future, Goodwin found out Dr Rutledge plot and she locked herself and changed the password of the room where Colter's body is located in a Case. Wires connecting to the back of his brain. And the only remaining is his upper body. She promised him that she will let him die, let him Rest in peace. Dr Rutledge found out about her plot and was furious. He wanted to get into the room, but could not. Goodwin turn of the machine keeping Colter alive. and he died.

In the train. Everything started moving again. The 8 minute ends. Colter should be dead. Should not be there. But he is there. The bomb did not explode. He got off the train, and went for a walk with Christina. In the other hand, Goodwin from the past received a message, explaining about the whole incident. And he asked her to give Colter the wish he wanted when the Source Code program is engo for the second time, And that the Source Code program is more than they think which is to only achieve information from the past. But the Source Code Program can actually change the future.

THIS MOVIE ROCKS! It's just like inception, Sci-fi related. I like it. Infact, It can be compared to my essay, 60 Minutes of Death. This is just like inception , Just this movie let us understand the whole thing. And if you ask me, Vera Farmiga who also potray Kate Coleman in Orphan is Beautiful.

I do not know why, but I like people with Blue or Green Iris. Like Tom Welling
Oh So cool!

Well, I'm still watching Smallville, And I'm in season 5 already. I just could not stand to know when Lana 

Would know about Clark Secret that i read about it first before i watch it. I know I'm kind of Pathetic, But what can you do. It's me, I'm not patient.

BTW , I'm trying to write a touching story . But i can only write fantasy or Sci Fi Stories. HELP NEEDED! 

Oh My =]

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