Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Kevjumba & Nigahiga

Yes, you are reading my blog again. But don't worry, cause this is not guilty unlike killing. Or is it? If it is, and you suspect something bad will happen, Turn OFF this page now, as fast as possible. Or maybe you would risk your life for me and read this post.

Aww..... Do you love me that much? I'm blushing already. I know this sounds gay at first. But try imagine me blushing gayly, and a gay who does gay stuff. Which is gay-er? Yea.... It's probably me. So what if i'm gay? You you you sexualisist(trying to make a word like racist) . Gay have honour too, man. Respect us!

I'm just kidding about the gay thing, i don't love you. But seriously, respect the gayditity, if that word even exist. Yes , respect them. But then, don't be gay, i'm not looking down on them or what, i'm not sexualism ( trying to make a word like racism). Sometimes i even act gay-ish, well... Not to tease gay people of course, just for fun . And really, gay people out there, i respect you ( completely not sarcastic( truth( I'm not doing reverse psychology( I swear!)))).

Oh my god, Kevin and Ryan is so hawt i want to kiss him. Yea, that might be what I'll say if i'm a girl which like boys, clearly stating. But then, i'm a boy. NO! I'm a MAN! So i don't love them. But I like them, not gay like of course , DUH.... They are cool. For some amature youtubers.... Okay, i admit, they are AWESOME! I like them alot. But still, i hate worms, just telling you, you don't need to be such a hater. They take cool awesome videos in youtube, Ryan, or Nigahiga, his youtube username, is hilarious. And Kevin, or Kevjumba, is just as funny. What? You say i'm not funny? I could be funnier than them...........sometimes........... I think?

Kevin's a chinese, he loves Yao Ming, and his dad is just hilarious, i really would like to have a dad like his, which would make me laugh all the times. But i'm not complaining, i like my dad too. And you can't judge him! And yea, he and his dad compete in The Amazing Race! Which is awesome, but eventually they got eliminated, they're just unlucky. Go watch Funemployed! It's hilarious. i'm not bluffing. Just trust me.

Ryan's a japanese..... I think. Hey, don't doubt my knowledge. I'm not stupid, how many times do you want me to tell you. I am not gay too. And yes, i hate you! No of course, i don't hate you, you're the man..... or the woman?Yes, be proud of that, it does not happen all the time. It might be the only time you'll get this from me. Unless you're lucky. Yes , Ryan is very fit, i know i'm not, don't need to shoot it up my face. And yes, i'm still eating alot. Stop asking me embarassing question! What? You did not? I guess i'm a mind reader, all hail the pro-ish mind reader...... Ryan actually made a 30 minute video called ASS . No! Not your butt, it's Agent of Secret Stuff. And it really is funny , no kidding. And he really loves the word TEE HEE. That makes it alittle funny too.

So get your mouse and click to open a new window to watch all of their FUNNY videos! Yes, no regrets, no unsatisfication, that is if you're not a hater, or hate lame things. You're lame for not enjoying it, go get a life. I'm just kidding. Thumbs up for the great joke....... You don't need to use that middle finger you hater.

Yes, the last part, part of you might be thinking. 'Haiz, why does good things have to end so fast?' Well? Thumbs up to you guys ,you're the best. And some will think ' Har? Finish already? What did i read again?' Don't worry, i don't hate you for this, cause if you want to know you have to read it all over again( Ah..... sweet revenge). And some haters will think. ' FINALLY! This ass stop crapping.' I hate you......

By the way, here's Kevin's link. Kevjumba. And Ryan's, Nigahiga. And I'm not stalking them! Stop mentioning it. Okay okay, im stalking. Alittle

Have a nice day :)

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