Saturday, April 9, 2011

Lead , not Pb in chemistry

Lead! As in leading a team. Not that lead everybody think that is Pb in Chemistry. In fact, I Sucks at Chemistry , so.... No thanks.

How to lead? Well, I have my ways of leading. So let's see how to lead with KLWL Style. =D

First Step to Leading

Being Friends with the members. This is like the most important of all. By being friends, get yourself to know them. Engage yourself with them, Let them know that you aren't an enemy. 

Second Step 

Respect your members so that they respect you back. Respecting is a really important thing when it comes to leading. You need the members respect, but first you have to respect them first. By respecting , the relationship between both is enhance. Therefore it enhance the first step.

Third Step

If you're gonna make them do something, make sure you are able to do it too. Example, If you were to ask somebody to do 10 push ups, Make sure you are able to do it too. Or not they would think, ' you can't even do push ups, How dare you ask me to do it?' And you have to prove it to them, if you were to punish them, then you do it with them. So that they acknowledge you as their leader. If you have a sore arm? Then punish them to something that you can still do with a sore arm.

Fourth Step

Thank the members and everyone else who helped. Because without their help, we aren't anything. They are the stepping stones to our success. That's why we should thank them. Let them know you are grateful for their help, then they will be glad to be helping you.

Fifth Step

Having confidence. Having confidence is like the most important of all. If you do not have confident , the members can't believe you. Even if you know that you are going to fail, you still have to do that something with confidence. Then the members will have hope. You will be the hope that stands before them. If a leader have no confident, what does he portrays to the members? Probably a stray dog . That's why, when it comes to doing something. Have full confidence. Even if you don't have any. Make it seems like you have tonnes of confidence.

So that's it for my methods to leading. Maybe i will update it in another blog post if i think of some others. 

BTW, HW is so good at giving speeches. One of his speeches Includes 

'It isn't a easy job to be a BOD for Leo for fiscal year 2010/2011 =(... First the teachers, now the headmaster? LOL!!!! KLWL It isn't an easy thing to refrain yourself from mentioning the biaatch word during BOD meeting yet as we struggle through without saying it.. NOW, our project cannot be passed by the other teacher which is so call the CEO of the club ... Darn it..'

No offence, but that really is the best speech for me. Our club Stands because of our Amazing Members, and our Awesome BODs, Our Club falls because of the Foolish teachers . The Teacher and the school authorities does not approve our projects, Saying it's too big, no benefits, us being unable, no one wants to go. All kinds of excuses. Projects done is always so minor. Sometimes I feel like giving up. Till now, I have not give up, and I'm gonna hand over my post soon. I wish to have good and supportive teachers supporting our club fully, But instead we get some biaaatcch. So i hope for the next term to be better than us, and have great teachers.

BTW, I'm gonna try my best, Not just reviving my club, But to revive all dying club in my school. I don't really believe in Obama, Or know who the hell he is. I only know he is black. But now, I acknowledge him, For his slogan. CHANGE! I'm gonna make a change, 



BTW, We're gonna form a Leo Glee section. Stay tuned and be surprise, BE VERY SURPRISE!  

Oh My =]


  1. A great post! It's true in so many ways, so thanks for the advice! And don't give up!
